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Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
Internationale Vereinigung für den Schutz des Geistigen Eigentums

8 September 2020

2020 AIPPI World Congress
5-14 October

The 2020 Congress will be held online and will be free to all members.  The official site is here.


​The Study Questions to which the UK Group has contributed will be discussed on 5-8 October.  The Study Guidelines can be found here.  The topics include Inventorship in the context of AI; Descriptive use as a defence in Trade Marks; Rights in data; and Standing to sue and its effect on remedies.

29 July 2020

BAME representation levels in the UK’s IP sector

AIPPI UK members participated in a virtual round table attended by over 50 IP professionals, under the auspices of IP Inclusive.


Those at the meeting agreed statements of principle, by which it was felt the UK’s IP professions should stand together in support of racial and ethnic equality.  The group will now agree some commitments to action, which will be published shortly, and will work together to turn those commitments into positive change.

19 June 2020

Message concerning equality from the President of AIPPI UK, Sara Ashby

Dear Members...


Please see the News page for the full text.

9 June 2020

2021 AIPPI World Congress

The 2020 Congress in Hangzhou, Eastern China has been postponed until 17-20 October 2021.  The official site is here and more information will be added to it as it becomes available.

The leading non-government organisation for research into, and formulation of, policy for intellectual property

20 October 2020

The AIPPI Remedies Trilogy

Jonathan Moss, Andrew Norris QC, Nicholas Caddick QC

4:30 p.m.

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